Macro BIM Adoption Mexico

What is BIM?

BIM is a collaborative work methodology for the creation and management of a construction project. (BuildingSmart)

Its aim is to centralize all the project information in a digital information model created by all stakeholders.


Importance of BIM for Construction


BIM is an alternative for increasing the PRODUCTIVITY of the industry


It improves organizational culture in COMMUNICATION and COLLABORATION


In the development of each construction project, the focus on SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is integrated

Macro BIM Adoption Initiative

Macro Adoption BIM Initiative RICI Red de Internacional de Ciudades Inteligentes

Dr. Bilal Succar

World expert in BIM Methodology

Dr. Bilal Succar founded the BIMe Initiative, a nonprofit organization that brings together a research and practice community of more than 160 experts, academics, and industry specialists from 42 countries.

The BIMe Initiative aims to accelerate the digital transformation of the construction industry through process innovation and knowledge sharing.

Researches, develops, and offers free tools and resources, (for example, and

What is Macro BIM Adoption?

Systematic implementation of BIM methodology at a national level, involving policies, standards, training, and technological adoption

Macro Adopción BIM

International Macro BIM Adoption Project Mexico


Led by RICI, BIMe Initiative and Dr. Bilal Succar


Latin American advisor Dr. Danny Murguía, senior researcher at the Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology at the University of Cambridge, and professor at the Department of Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru


Coordinators for the macro BIM adoption in Mexico: Industry- Mtra. Dulce Barocio / Government- Mtro. Osvaldo Mireles / Academia- Mtro. Elías Tavera)

Benefits of Macro BIM Adoption

Efficiency and Productivity:

• Cost reduction

• Increase in productivity

Transparency and Collaboration:

• Centralized data

• Better communication

Improvement in Quality:

• Better coordination

• Quality control

Improvement in Safety:

• Safety planning

• Monitoring and control


• Sustainable design

• Waste reduction

Participation in Macro BIM Adoption

National Diagnosis

Strategic Partners

Participation in Macro BIM Adoption

National Diagnosis - Government

What does participation of a city in macro BIM adoption involve?

Select a representative from the agency for collaboration

Identify public policy specialists who have knowledge of the BIM methodology.

Application of the in-depth survey (online) to the identified specialist officials.

What are the steps and requirements requested for participation?

Pre-registration of the institutional representative

Signing of Collaboration Letter between the agency and RICI

Integration into the work team (WhatsApp)

Do you want to know more about the Macro Adoption BIM? Download the bulletin below:



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